Create a Multi-branch Pipeline with GitLab
However, there are
also times when you can manually interact with a pipeline. The iteration process of that we took to build and test our program consumes a lot of time and resources. Another critical factor is that for a deployment to be smoother, each environment other than production needs to be similar to production. Development, testing, and staging should be a production-like environment.
Select the Distributed Traces tab and confirm that you can see a trace for your pipeline. In your .gitlab-ci.yml file, add a new stage with the name new-relic-exporter to your stages block as shown in the next code snippet. It’s recommended that you use your own image of the exporter in production. Jobs can be set to run before or after triggering child pipelines in GitLab, allowing common setup steps or unified deployment. Pipeline statistics are gathered by collecting all available pipelines for the
project, regardless of status.
Prometheus as a Grafana data source
Unlike other Prometheus exporters, to access
the metrics, the client IP address must be explicitly allowed. The performance data collected by Prometheus can be viewed directly in the
Prometheus console, or through a compatible dashboard tool. The Prometheus interface provides a flexible query language
to work with the collected data where you can visualize the output.
You can improve runtimes by running jobs that test different things in parallel, in
the same stage, reducing overall runtime. The downside is that you need more runners
running simultaneously to support the parallel jobs. It’s important to understand and document the pipeline workflows, and discuss possible
actions and changes.
Configuring the exporters
CD’s mission is then to move those artifacts throughout all the different environments of an organization’s development lifecycle. What’s critical in CD is that it will always deploy the same artifact in all environments. Therefore, a build in CI happens only once and not for each environment.
This phase includes testing as well where we can test with different approaches in the code. If you are using, a few small modifications need to be applied to establish the logging pipeline. Filebeat is a log shipper belonging to the Beats family of shippers. Written in Go and extremely lightweight, Filebeat is the easiest and most cost-efficient way of shipping log files into the ELK Stack. In any case, I recommend reading GitLab’s excellent documentation to read up on these log files and the information included in them before commencing. As you can see, the information in the log includes the request method, the controller, the action performed, the request status, duration, remote IP, and more.
Step one: Create a new project
The schedule pattern should match the value from GLAB_EXPORT_LAST_MINUTES. Setting values that are different from the value in GLAB_EXPORT_LAST_MINUTES can lead to duplicate or missing data in New Relic. The exporter job has a number of configurable options which are provided as CI/CD environment variables.
As mentioned above, GitLab has an advanced logging framework that ships a variety of different system logs. This is useful when other people continue to commit code after the first problem. Compared to email notifications, CatLight saves your time by focusing on the current state,
and not the history of changes. Let’s first delve into how GitLab provides the capabilities to quickly release, identify production problems and quickly roll back.
GitLab logs
See the README for a list of the configuration options available along with their default values. The defaults with no additional configuration will run the job every 60 minutes. Prometheus works by periodically connecting to data sources and collecting their
performance metrics through the various exporters. To view
and work with the monitoring ci cd monitoring data, you can either
connect directly to Prometheus or use a
dashboard tool like Grafana. Change failure rate is one of the four DORA metrics that DevOps teams use for measuring excellence in software delivery. Time to restore service is one of the four DORA metrics that DevOps teams use for measuring excellence in software delivery.
In GitLab 9.3 we made it possible to display links for upstream and downstream projects directly on the pipeline graph, so developers can check the overall status of the entire chain in a single view. Pipelines continue to evolve, and in our CI/CD product vision we’re looking into making pipelines even more cohesive by implementing Multiple Pipelines in a single .gitlab-ci.yml in the future. provides some tools to help you hit the ground running – easy integration steps, as well as the monitoring dashboard above. To install the dashboard, simply search for ‘GitLab’ in ELK Apps and hit the install button.
Step 5: Run a pipeline
Multiple jobs in the same stage are executed in parallel,
if there are enough concurrent runners. You can either use a shared runner provided by GitLab or set up your own runner. Below is a list of some keywords that are usually needed to define jobs. Once you have dashboards for Jenkins and ArgoCD Grafana, it is fairly easy to set-up alerts for them. If you are using MetricFire’s Hosted Prometheus offering then you should be able to set up alerts in a breeze.
- In this blog post, we unpack some of the tools companies can use to adopt continuous delivery (CD), and explain how companies can reach continuous delivery in three key stages.
- Deleting a pipeline expires all pipeline caches, and deletes all immediately
related objects, such as builds, logs, artifacts, and triggers. - Jobs can be set to run before or after triggering child pipelines in GitLab, allowing common setup steps or unified deployment.
- All these dashboards offer operations insights that are necessary to understand how a release is performing in production and quickly identify and troubleshoot any production issues.
- The performance data collected by Prometheus can be viewed directly in the
Prometheus console, or through a compatible dashboard tool.
GitLab has pipeline templates for more than 30 popular programming languages and frameworks. Templates to help you get started can be found in our CI template repository. For larger products that require cross-project interdependencies, such as those adopting a microservices architecture, there are multi-project pipelines.
Step two: Add the pipeline configuration for the exporter
When it’s ready, the user can create the release which automatically generates the release evidence. Iterations are a relatively new tool that allows users to track issues over time and helps to track velocity and volatility metrics. Iterations can also be used with milestones and can track a project’s sprints using the detailed iterations pages, which include many progress metrics.